Wet Paint Services

Whilst Batchglow specialise in powder coating solutions, they also provide a wet paint service. This is used on materials that are not capable of withstanding heat or when directed by the client.

Common products include:wet spraying- red panels

Wood – Soft/hardwood components that are not suitable for powder coating and require an specific finish. These are sprayed in the in-house booth with a suitably product.

Metal – Generally only wet sprayed if there is a need for a specific finish. An example, components that are required to withstand very high temperatures.

Plastic – As a static charge cannot be applied, powder coating is not possible. Therefore a wet paint solution is applied to all plastic components.

Products used:

  • 2 pack epoxy finishing for high corrosion resistance
  • Synthetic Coach enamels- High gloss, hard finish
  • Medium solid base coats with pre cat lacquers
  • High temperature, high metal content lacquers

All colour options are available

Various textures can be achieved by utilising different paints. As a leading supplier of coating services, in-house consultants advise clients on the preferred paint for each task.

Batchglow own a fleet of HGV vehicles, therefore there are no logistical issues in picking-up and dropping off components.

If you are interested in discussing a wet paint option simply call 01909 563051, alternatively you can email info@batchglow.co.uk or utilise the website forms. A member of staff will be on-hand to deal with your enquiry.